Friday, May 18, 2012

It’s harder without the fanfare.

With yet another new pair of shoes (I can’t wait until I can spend my shoe shopping time/budget on something other than running shoes), my fancy watch thingy, my trusty iPod, one of those water bottles that has a mesh strap so you can hold it while running and some caffeinated gummy things, I set off this morning in an attempt to run 12 miles.  Here is what I learned along the way… the gummy things aren’t so bad, running while holding anything isn’t really a strength of mine, I really do love my Lululemon running capris, attempting to jump over curbs isn't really a great idea, those extendable dog leashes are annoying (it's more the people holding them rather than the leashes themselves that are annoying) and running is hard.  

That being said (and despite a few unfortunate instances of me inadvertently flinging my water bottle at unsuspecting pedestrians... again, carrying things while running isn’t my forte), I made it through all 12 miles including a really steep hill that nearly did me in and resulted in the need for a short but completely necessary break at the top to drink some water and catch my breath (seemed like a better option than passing out in the middle of the path and being run over by a hoard of biking tourists).  It’s a little crazy to think that if I had run an additional 1.1 miles today I would have run the distance of a half marathon… I mean, not as crazy as the idea that in a few very short months I will be running twice that but still, crazy in its own right.

I was feeling a little out of sorts this morning and had a hard time getting into a rhythm both physically and mentally so it took me a good 4 – 5 miles before I started to feel settled enough to start entertaining the possibility that I could make it through all 12 miles.  Even though I’ve run further recently, it’s very different to go on a solo 2+ hour run than it is to participate in a race with other runners and people cheering everyone on (even when said cheering involves a guy running in front of his wife holding a fishing pole with a donut hanging off it.. totally happened at the Dive half marathon!).  
Once I got past mile 7, I started to believe that I would hit my goal for the day and once I got through mile 8 I was certain of it so I pushed away some nagging aches and pains and powered through the last few miles by repeatedly telling myself that my body could continue if my head would just get out of the way.

So with the weekend just hours away, I’m pleased to report that I hit all of my running and cross training goals for the week and plan on spending the next few days recovering, doing some easy about town walks (is “easy” really possible in a city built almost entirely on giant hills?) and most certainly indulging in some liquids other than water... wine is made from grapes which are fruit which is good for you so I say that the consumption is a critical part of training.

12 miles, 2hrs 1 min, 27 sec, avg pace 10.07

SF runner in training

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