The run I did
yesterday while still feeling somewhat sick totally caught up with me last
night and I went to bed fairly certain that my plan to get up and go for a run
this morning wasn’t going to come to fruition.
So when I woke up feeling rather blah still and with my knee that was bothering me yesterday still felt a little funny, it
took me a while to decide if this was one of those run through it times or
not. I spent a solid 20 minutes deciding
to run, deciding to get back into bed, deciding to have coffee, deciding that I
should have water instead, making the bed, sitting down on the half made bed,
remaking the part of the bed I messed up, etc., etc.

Tomorrow is a
rest day in preparation for the long run on Friday which, to be honest, I’m a
bit worried about as 16 miles sounds really, really far. I wonder if I wear that coconut sunscreen, listen to some festive music on my iPod and
squint until things are slightly blurry while running I can trick myself
into thinking I'm on vacation and that there is a poolside cabana with bottomless mini umbrella drinks waiting for me at the end... Check back in a few days and I'll let you know if it played out as
planned or if I ended up tripping over a tourist from my blurred vision
and slightly nauseated from the overwhelming scent of coconuts.
7miles, 1hr 10min 44sec, avg 10.06
SF runner in training
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