Three days ago, I ran the San Francisco Marathon and I still feel
at a loss for words to adequately describe the experience… it was absolutely physically
demanding yet so intensely gratifying that I wouldn’t have stopped for
In the days since, I’ve been recovering (pretty sore legs, some really unattractive feet and one
rubbed raw spot but not as bad as I thought it would be) and
lamenting the fact that this part of my journey has come to a close. This has
been such an amazing adventure and I’m finding it difficult to believe that it
is over and am alternating between basking in the glory and mourning its end... probably the reason I've struggled with writing this final post for the last few days... it's either that or the slight hangover I got from my post-race celebrations (you can't expect me to change THAT much!).

Thanks to the months and months of hard work and preparation, I
did really well physically. I tried to keep an eye
on my pace and stayed fairly consistent the entire time despite never being
able to locate the pacer in my wave. I
definitely went a bit slower than I anticipated… moving through some packs of
runners, dodging walkers (people, please move to the right vs. stopping without
warning in the middle!!), walking through most of the water stations and taking
two very quick stops to stretch definitely slowed me down some but I just kept reminding myself to run my own race and stayed as steady as I could. Considering that
I was able to keep my breathing from becoming too labored and that I got through 18
miles before I really even realized that I was that far along, I think the pace
was probably just right for me!

And, thanks to some different yet just as important hard work and
preparation, I fared just as well mentally.
The last inklings of self-doubt and nerves were gone by race morning
(poor Sporty bore the brunt of the last of my panic when I became overwhelmed
with the reality of what I was about to do when picking up my packet at the
expo on Saturday!). I reminded myself to
stay relaxed and in the moment and soaked up as much of the experience as I
could while doing my best to savor every quintessential San Francisco moment of
the marathon. I choked back tears a few times from seeing my loved ones cheering me on, from remembering those who are no longer with us and by the experience itself. I laughed at silly signs, smiled when I ran past where Sporty and I first met, acted as tour guide from time to time for out of town runners and listened to songs about my treasured city as I made my way across the Golden Gate. It was exceptionally
exhilarating and I felt strong, confidant and profoundly alive. I was totally, completely, blissfully happy.
So, if it sounds to you like I did pretty well, you will not even believe the amazing job that Sporty and Bendy
did cheering me on throughout… they managed to make their way through marathon detours and other city
craziness to find me not once, not twice but SEVEN times!! They had on their
“team” shirts, had made huge signs, were cheering their faces off and even had
an emergency bag with water, gels, lip stuff, etc. in case I needed anything.
It was unbelievable and invaluable… they seriously were/are outstanding!! I also had help along the way from some of my
other incredibly wonderful friends who cheered me on from various spots on the
route with great signs and words of encouragement... everyone was so amazing! One particularly cheerful, active and
inspiring friend (she is absolutely one of the most sincerely sweet and positive people I have ever known) was even strategically located near that very difficult mile
25 marker and acted as my own personal coach by hopping in and running with
me for a bit while distracting me with stories about baseball, bars, police
officers and anything else she could think of until the finish line was in
sight... it was a much needed and appreciated boost that helped me press on and run every last step of the way.

In the final days leading up to the marathon I assured myself and everyone else that this was my one and only full marathon. I was tired and strapped for time and
resources for anything other than running and my body felt like it was breaking down and about to launch a full blown revolution against itself. I was resolved in my thinking that only crazy people
run 26.2 miles at one time. As the days since the marathon have passed, I am still certain that only crazy people run 26.2 miles all at one time and I am also certain that my pieces and parts are not predisposed to go that distance. But as the soreness and fatigue begin to fade into a distant memory (well,more like a less acute memory but still fading nonetheless), there is a little void being left in the wake that has me asking "what if" and wondering "what next". So until we meet again...
26.2miles, 4hrs 58min 6sec
SF runner
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