Among the things I’ve learned by writing this blog (other than the
fact that I have a propensity for being rather wordy, really am a sucker for anything inspirational and clearly have some common themes in my life), is that according to the auto generated stats for my blog,
apparently I’m quite popular in Russia… okay, maybe “popular” is pushing it a
bit but considering that none of my family or friends currently live in Russia
and since I believe they are the only ones who actually read this, it’s kind of
fun (it also totally reminds me of the scene in that movie Julie and Julia when
Julie realizes that her only comment is from her mom… so funny and so my
life… well, except for the part where she becomes a famous writer who they make
a movie about).
Other than doing everything I can to help myself physically, I’m
thinking maybe I should throw some inspirational movies into the mix… not Eat, Pray, Love because all that does is
make me want mass quantities of Pasta and wine and not Forrest Gump because all
that does is make me want chocolate and get freaked out thinking about Tom
Hanks in that other movie where he has a pet volleyball and acts as his own dentist
on the deserted island. Maybe
inspirational songs are a better idea… I wonder if Eye of The Tiger would do
the trick or if that will just make me feel really, really old!
10miles, 1hr 45min 32sec, avg 10:33
Cheers (I tried to find a translation of "cheers" for my Russian friends however I don't trust the results and am afraid I may cause an international conflict... you know... because I'm so terribly famous there),
SF runner in training
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