Wednesday, July 11, 2012

"Only" 12 miles.

Monday night I had a phone date with my BFF during which we discussed the  long list of terrifying things that seem to happen to some marathon runners (you know the sort of thing… bleeding nipples, out of control bodily functions, etc.).  Once we spent a sufficient amount of time pondering various theories of what may make some people more susceptible than others and came up without an even remotely relevant hypothesis, I resorted to silently pleading to the gods of running to save me from such plights on race day.  I mean, I've had some seriously icky things going on with my toes and have spent my fare share of time obsessing about every single thing that could and might happen during this journey but thank goodness it hasn't been anything of that sort! We also had a very funny exchange about the people who don’t really train at all because they decide that the generally good physical condition they are in will carry them through (are they completely insane???) and as a result, end up in a world of hurt as punishment for their ignorance or finish in less than 4 hours and make all of the people like me despise them.  Poor Bendy… she’s had to cope with countless hours listening to anything and everything running related… such a trooper!

I was more sore than I expected to be after Monday’s 9.5 mile run (I’m guessing it was as a result of lingering soreness from Friday’s 20 miles) but was able to work the majority of it out before this morning’s 8 miles.  Other than my right foot still feeling like it wanted to detach/escape and the times I had to stop and retie my shoes (need to get that figured out fast as I would really like to avoid having to mess with them during the race), today’s run went relatively well. I’ve noticed that while it used to take me to about mile 3 to start to work out the kinks and get settled into a run, that seems to have shifted to around mile 6 (something I'm really hoping is a good sign vs. one that means all of my parts are about to implode).  If you look towards the horizon in the photo, you can see the super thick fog that tried to blind me down by the bridge... not bad weather to run in but seriously sucks for tourists trying to take pictures of the Golden Gate! 

Friday is my last double digit training run... totally cracks me up that I sighed in relief when I realized I had to run "only" 12 miles.. who is this girl I've become and where can I find replacement parts for her?!

8 miles, 1hr 24min 51sec, avg 10:36

SF runner in training

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