Wednesday, July 25, 2012

506 miles...

Despite Dr. Oz’s predictions, I didn’t wake up overweight, wrinkled or hormonally imbalanced on my first day as a 40 year old and I had an amazing birthday yesterday that was filled with so much love, laughter and thoughtfulness… I am so incredibly lucky and blessed!!  It is slightly possible that I celebrated a tad too much… not like the incident that started this whole thing on my 38th birthday, but just enough wine to turn me into a rather impassioned wannabe philosophizer who should probably not have had unsupervised  access to Facebook.  

So with a bit of a wine head and still overflowing with delight and gratitude for my wonderful birthday, I headed out for my final training run. I was  pretty sentimental during the run today… it felt as if the 4 miles went by so quickly and I wanted to keep going despite the nagging discomfort in my hip (given the choice between the hip and the toes/feet, I’ll take the hip as it’s easier to run through).  It’s been such an incredible journey and it was emotional to have this part of it come to an end.

As of today, I have run 506 miles over the past 7 months.  I have run through physical discomfort and pain, I have run up and down hills, I have run in countless pairs of running shoes, I have run in sunshine, rain and endless fog, I have passed runners and been passed by runners, I have run through and directly in to packs of biking tourists, I have run through laughter and tears, I have run through fear and doubt.  I have kept running even when my head told me I couldn’t and when my body begged me to stop.   

In 4 short days, I will run further than I ever have and I want to relish in every single joyful, demanding, painful, invigorating and meaningful moment… I cannot believe it’s almost here! 

4 miles, 38min 33sec, avg 9:37

SF runner in training

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